duminică, 25 septembrie 2016

The best otopeni airport transfer

If you just landed to the Otopeni airport (that is located in the northern part of the Romanian capital) then I would recommend you to get a local taxi in order to get the otopeni airport transfer to Bucharest in a very short amount of time.

A very interesting thing is that besides the local taxi companies, that can be very cheap, in the airport there are also a lot of more expensive taxi companies, that have rather a big price, inflatet, especially for the foreign travellers that don't really know what to expect regarding a fair pricing.

The city of Bucharest can be very crowded at peak hours (and in fact not only then) but it is still normal, as it is the host of over 3 million inhabitants.

Refarding the public transportation there is a subway system that is very well planned and works great, there are busses and trams, there are a lot of cabs with small price, and in fact everything is very well made and planned if you are to ignore the crowded streets.

From an accomodation point of view, there are a whole lot of hotels, with nice pricing (some of them) but also some more expensive international chains, but the overall accomodation quality is way better than in the crowded westeren cities, that are charging a whole lot of money for their services.

If you travel to Bucharest you have to see the Building of The Parliament (that in the past was named "Peoples house") and a lot of interesting Romanian museums - lihe the history museum or Antipa.

sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2016

The best virtual tour creator

Virtual tours creators can really help you a lot in selling your house. And Tour Wizard is the best solution out there regarding this kind of jobs.

In the time prior to purchasing a house means visiting a lot of locations, prospecting the market for new and new options and finally deciding which one to buy. That means a lot of time and energy, especially if you have a job and a family in the middle. The endless trips to seeing the interior of those house is exhausting. And you can’t just decide on what house to buy before seeing the whole of it, not just a few pictures of the living room and the bathroom. But it can be done much easier.

Here you have a solution now and it’s called virtual tour software. It’s an actual site that let’s you see the house 3D and in all it’s interior, every corner and every step. The process implies an agent who goes to that location, takes pictures of the house, a lot of them, and then combines each and every one to make a 3D print of the house inside and outside. When you enter a site of the virtual tour software you can visualize every corner and evert detail of that particular location. Walk around it with the mouse, open doors, close them, see how how big actually is the bathroom, and how the living room combines with the rest of the house.

The advantage is that you can get all the information you usually got by making some time in your busy day, driving there, seeing it, maybe making some pictures for showing them to your family so you can all decide on it. All this now can be done from your home or from your office or everywhere you have a laptop and internet connection. House buying suddenly become much easier. You can prospect hundreds oh house in just one day. No need for driving, for getting of work, for finding spear time in the weekends. And you get all the information you need and you see every bit of detail of the house that is of interest to you. Virtual tour software like Tour Wizard is the future of house purchasing. 

miercuri, 14 septembrie 2016

Preturi foarte bune pentru Smart Watch

Cu totii profitam de evolutia tehnologica si ne putem bucura de numeroase dispozitive la preturi foarte atractive, iar printre ele se numara si smartwatch-urile, care pana nu demult erau achizitionate doar de catre cei care isi permiteau sa achite sume importante pentru ele. Astazi, pe piata sunt disponibile mai multe modele, iar oricine isi poate permite un smartwatch ieftin, intrucat acestea promit cele mai importante functii pe care le poate avea un asemenea dispozitiv.
Preturi foarte bune
Preturile pentru acestea incep de la 100 de lei si pot sa depaseasca chiar si cateva mii de lei, insa cele mai accesibile sunt suficiente pentru cei mai multi dintre noi. Dispozitivele sunt compatibile cu majoritatea tipurilor de telefoane, principalele sisteme de operare fiind Android si iOS.
Numeroase functii
Gadget-urile sunt foarte usor de folosit, prin intermediul ecranului tactil, iar conexiunea cu smartphone-ul se face prin intermediul Bluetooth-ului. Pot efectua apeluri, scrie si citi mesaje direct pe ceas, fara a mai fi nevoie ca telefonul sa fie scos din buzunar sau geanta. Acest aspect este ideal in special cand utilizatorii se afla in zone mai putin sigure, iar pentru a chema un taxi isi doresc sa fie mai discreti.
De asemenea, chiar si la o intalnire nu putem sa fim nepoliticosi si sa citim mesaje pe telefon, oricat de importante ar fi, insa prin intermediul oricarui smartwatch ieftin, putem fi discreti si sa aruncam o privire la ceas, suficient cat pentru a citi ceva.
Conectat la tot ce se intampla

Ai toate notificarile, apelurile, mesajele la incheietura mainii tale, astfel ca este mult mai confortabil sa fii la curent cu tot ce se intampla. Notificarile de pe social media vor fi mai usor de citit cu ajutorul unui ceas inteligent, fie ca este vorba de Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr sau Instagram.

duminică, 21 august 2016

Laur Gales - fotograf pentru nunta

Nunta este unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente din viata oricarui cuplu, iar acesta trebuie sa fie perfect din toate punctele de vedere. Planuirea nuntii se dovedeste a fi destul de stresanta, intrucat sunt multe detalii ce trebuie puse la punct, iar totul incepe de la alegerea locatiei ideale, sa fie potrivita pentru gazduirea unui anumit numar de invitati. In plus, o alta problema spinoasa este alegerea vestimentatiei si anume a rochiei de mireasa, dar si a costului de mire si a hainelor sale de schimb, deoarece exista numeroase posibilitati.
Servicii de calitate
Mai mult decat atat, cu siguranta ca este nevoie de un fotograf pentru nunta, capabil sa surprinda cele mai grozave momente, de care mirii si invitatii sa isi poata aduce aminte cu placere peste ani si ani. Datorita evolutiei tehnologice, calitatea imaginilor este mult superioara in ziua de azi, iar imaginile nu mai trebuie sa fie developate, decat in cazul in care se doreste un album.
In schimb, este mult mai usor ca acestea sa fie prelucrate pe calculator, iar mai apoi sa fie stocate fie pe un stick, fie pe un site special dedicat acestui eveniment, ce poate fi accesat si de catre invitati, prieteni sau familie. Cu toate acestea, este nevoie de alegerea unui fotograf pentru nunta specializat, care a dobandit suficienta experienta la astfel de evenimente, intrucat limita dintre imagini grozave si mai putin apreciate, este foarte subtire.
Numarul de fotografi

In functie de numarul de invitati, uneori poate fi nevoie de o adevarata echipa care sa poata surprinde momentele magice din randul mirilor, dar si al invitatilor, iar acest serviciu nu se rezuma doar la actul in sine de a fotografia, ci si la acela de a edita imaginile si de a le alege pe cele mai speciale care sa fie eventual atasate unui album.